How Does Solar Work?

What’s Solar Electric?

Solar electric is the ability to install panels on your roof to generate electricity for your home. The electricity you generate is electricity you don’t purchase from a utility. 25+ years reliable performance.

What’s Solar Pool Heating?

Solar Pool heating is the ability to install panels on your roof, to transfer heat to your swimming pool). This typically allows 7 months swimming, at temperatures you like. Your 1-time investment, will give you 16 to 20 years of reliable performance.

Definition of Terms

Net Metering

This is a State of Arizona and California law, which permits homeowners to store excess Solar Energy on the grid (At no cost). The investor owned utilities are required to follow this law.


This is the device which changes D/C Solar Energy (generated by panels), to A/C power (your home uses).

Net-Zero Energy

Net-Zero refers to a power bill, (if you did not purchase any energy from the utility, just taxes and fees).

Grid Parity

Grid parity occurs when an alternative energy source can generate power at a leveled cost of electricity (LCOE) that is less than or equal to the price of purchasing power from the electricity grid. This happens every day when you finance a system over time. Typical Solar loans have lower monthly payments, than utility rates over time.

Financing & Payback

What are my options with financing?

We offer financing options through Sunlight Financial. If you finance a Solar electric system, the payments are typically lower (than what you would spend with the utility over time). Loans range to 10 to 20 years.

How long will it take to install a Solar Electric System?

Installations are typically 1 to 3 days (Depending on the size of the system).

What is needed to maintain my Solar system?


Solar systems do not have regular maintenance, once installed they are reliable like the sun.